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God's Still Watching!

Lekecia Fordham

Updated: Apr 30, 2024

As we are approaching Easter Sunday, there are so many emotions that seeps through the minds of the children of God. We ponder the life of our Lord Jesus as well as His tragic death, but we also celebrate His "Great Getting Up" also known as the resurrection. The seal to the accomplishments of calvary's cross was the day that He arose from the dead! Surely if the devil had known that he was defeated before he begun, he would have let Jesus be. The reality is that God had a plan, and that plan was going to be brought to fruition. Satan was just a pawn on God's chess board. He was a necessary foe as every great story has a villain and a hero.

Jeremiah 1:12 says "The Lord said to me, you have seen correctly for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled."

God in His infinite wisdom ensured that every word spoken came to pass. Jesus walked as God personified and God faithfully watched over everything that concerned Jesus. Why? Because of His love for US! The good news is that God is still watching. He has His eyes and His hands on you. He still sees every trick play the enemy makes on the chess board of your life. He is still watching and coming to rescue His own. The bible explains that while Jesus was in earthly agony on the cross, he exclaimed "Father, why has thou forsaken me". As we endeavor to crucify this flesh daily, we will also feel forsaken at times. We will experience feelings of physical, financial, emotional and even spiritual abandonment. It's in those times that we must encourage ourselves to hold on and be reminded of the life of our Lord and King; knowing that God will never leave nor forsake us.

As we celebrate our Savior's resurrection, I want you to remember that He is proof that the devil and his angels are defeated, and that they will reap a just reward of eternal fire. My sisters and brothers, know that God is still alive, and He sees all. His arm is not too short that He cannot deliver you. You hold on, keep the faith and know that God is still watching over His word to be fulfilled in you!

Happy Resurrection Day from Lekecia Fordham Ministries LLC to you and your families!

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