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Meet Lekecia

~Minister, Author and Speaker and Teacher

Hello beautiful people and welcome! I am so excited to share this journey with you and in doing so, let me start by telling you a little about myself.


First let me start by saying that I am the wife, a mother and grandmother, but most importantly, I am a servant of Almighty God. Not only am I a lover of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I am a lover the Word of God,  my fellow man and a worshiper at heart. As a minister of the Gospel and Christian author, I am called to witness, preach and deliver the Word of God to compel men to come to Christ and to let go of all that hinders them from doing so. To this end, Lekecia Fordham Ministries LLC was birthed from a place of servanthood and love. I have devoted significant time in prayer and in the cultivation of others, not only to live their lives abundantly free, but a life understanding the benefits of hope and grace that is the portion of every believer. Therefore, I am here to offer my gifts, talents and anointing to help you my brothers and sisters walk in kingdom truth. 


Here you will find inspirational blogs that will edify you to be the individual you are called to be. You will be able to purchase my current book and future upcoming books that will bless and provoke you to further know God in a deeper and more intimate way, and you will be able to book me for public speaking or ministry engagements, book readings and more. Whatever you need, I am certain that you will be blessed in some way by the ministerial gifts God has cultivated within me. So I welcome you to contact me, purchase my book that is sure to change your life and sign up to receive the weekly uplifting blogs, but most of all stay connected, and together we will pursue and embrace kingdom truth and all of its benefits.  


One of my favorite scriptures is Psalm 107:19-20...


"Then they cry unto the LORD in their trouble, and he saveth them out of their distresses. He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.".


As a child I longed to be a therapist. I've always had a heart towards healing others. I did not know at that time that it was God all along drawing me to a life of ministry and service. In that, I've accepted my calling to minister to others through the written and spoken word. My core desire is to teach others that God's word is a healer and that very thing that was meant to cripple you will become your footstool. Allow God to use it to catapult you into your purpose, your next level, your destiny. Lose the shame, shake off the guilt. Accept that it attempted to break you, but instead it shaped you.


My motto is this... "If each of us sees another falling and we help pick them up, and they do the same for us, none of us will ever stay down.".


Children of God I want you to know that you do not have to walk this walk alone, you were not designed to. No matter what has happened in your life, God cares about you and desires to know you. No matter how many times you've fallen, remember that failure is not a reason to be silent. Failure was never intended to be a muzzle, but a bull horn! 




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